Granted, I'm a bit of a hypochondriac. (When you're constantly exposed to kid germs like I am, you'd want to wear a bubble suit too.) I also secretly enjoy putting on campy horror movies to lull me to sleep. But I was sick of being sick. Comatose states bore me quickly, and all I wanted in the world was to finally feel better.
I even dragged into work on Tuesday in hopes that I would be distracted into wellness and to catch up on all my cases. (Time flies when you work in foster care. Cases can change directions quickly when you aren't aware of current ins and outs.) My coworkers didn't even tease me about sounding like Marge Simpson, instead they ran away when they heard me hacking around the corner. By the end of the day, I talked myself horse.

I succumbed Wednesday and scheduled a doctor's appointment. The doctor (who looked younger than me--ouch) said all I suffered from was a cold and recommended I continue to take massive amounts of cough suppresant and suggested a home remedy: honey.
Great, I though, I am now 25 dollars poorer, and I've been told about the medical benefits of honey. Then a second thought came to mind: my Honey (a.k.a. Hun). Hun was at my side all last weekend--listening to me gripe, forcing cough syrup on me, nagging me to get more sleep, and remaining patient and supportive--despite not getting a decent night's rest himself. I've been snotty, greasy, highly unattractive, and definitely less than charming. Hun was also smart enough to recommend getting more rest instead of going to the doctor, because there wasn't a miracle pill to fix what I had--despite my hopes to the contrary. I suppose, in my own way, I got the doctor's advice already.
I alternated peppermint tea with honey to my hot Tang regimen the rest of the afternoon and slept through more camp horror. By the next morning, I felt considerably better (although I still sound like Marge Simpson). I owe most of it to my daily dose of Hun.
So I'm designating this week's condiment of the week to honey. Take time to think of all the little things you daily dose of honey does each day--be he/she a parent, kiddo, lovemuffin, or life-supporting friend.
YAY for honey, but I had to read that twice ... did you say hot TANG???
no idea what hot Tang is but yeah honey with fresh lemon & hot waater..... and if that fails vodka lol
Take care Marge ;-0
Hmmm . . . have not tried vodka to cure the common cold.
As far as the delicious and steamy joy that is hot Tang (an orange-flavored drink, rich with sugar and vitamin C), it's weird to think about but yummy in the tongue.
I also eat ice cream and Rice Crispies.
Thanks!! My voice is almost back to normal.
Vodka is pretty good. Before Christmas when I had a flu virus, people kept saying take some brandy & hot water it will make you better. As I can't brandy near enough to me to drink I thought' I wonder if Vodka & tonic will work?'.... I felt a heap lots better after 3 lol
Airborne works wonders. ;-)
You're a newlywed, right? Let's see the ring :)!
Kimchi-Airborne is that zinc-based stuff on a Q-Tip your stick in your nose, right? This cold has been going on for a couple of weeks (rounding to week 3). I heard it's not as effective after the first 48 hours. Or am I (as usual) completely mixed up?
Anonymous-Yes, I'm a newlywed. But my mother told me not to talk to strangers. If you come forward, I might reconsider.
I am up to my runny eyeballs in Day 3 of the worst fricken flu/cold I've ever had! How much honey should I take? Do I smear it on my body or eat it? Please help Dr. Cowgirl...& send me the bill. I'm desperate!
so are you about to sell your soul to become a member of DP's fan club lol
Honey is something of a miracle remedy. I remember something about doctors ot being able to get surgery wounds to heal, ad then someone came up with the brilliant idea of spreading honey them. It's the propolis in the honey - something like that, at least.
Dear Olga-warm water with honey and lemon does work wonders. Rubbing honey on your body also works--especially if someone else will lick it off you . . . perhaps a Mr. Olga, or another Honey who stung your heart ; )
Yes, 70s--I think I will join the masses of DP followers, instead of being on the fringe. I'm off to his site to pledge my allegiance. Really, those surfing photos made me a devoted fan.
Stella-I haven't heard about honey healing surgery wounds. I went to another round at the doctor's. Same advice from a different MD. The Doc said honey was better than the Robotussin I've being forcing down my throat--whoda thunk?!
You lost your voice? ...... I wonder if that was appreciated properly.
Anywhichway my poor lickle suffering soul, I am now in the process of activating my automated emailing service ...... honestly, the benefits are endless [they hardly even start actually - tee hee] xxx
:-) you won't regret it (gosh what am I saying?? Of course you will lol)
Jack Daniels and lemon in hot water is mine..I share your pain it's depressing to walk into a doctor's office and they look like one of your kids...:)))))
I'm all over the warm honey...literally...feeling better already! Thanks!
hi betty!! aah, now i have the terrible sore throat!! i think i sound like a rockstar!! hahahaha... i can barely hear my own voice! :)
i think ill better find honey on my way back home! :)
I got the flu and was in bed for a week. My favorite treatment food wise is hot jello, drunk before it has time to firm up. My tea was in the form of Thera-flu. I'm finally feeling better, just in time to get 6 more inches of snow dumped on me tonight.
Hope you're all better by now!
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